Yugen Game Theory (⛩️,⛩️)

Why is Yugen Special? Simple but powerful tokenomics.

1) 100% of the token supply is the circulating supply.

  • There will be NO DILUTION of the token. Farming will NOT dilute the token supply.


2) 100% of the token supply has been used to add liquidity.

  • All token bought will originate from the Liquidity Pool. (PolyDEX & SpookySwap).

  • YGN tokens received through bonds and farms will be bought from the liquidity pool increasing the price of the token.

3) 100% Revenue generation will be used to BUYBACK YGN tokens.

  • ALL of the yield of our TVL will be used to BUY YGN and then redistributed to those who have contributed to the TVL.

4) Bonds will be used to buy liquidity making the protocol independent from users staked assets.

  • Initially, revenue will be generated by using TVL sourced from our users to generate yield. A portion of this will be given back to our users. See The Distributer.

  • Once Bonds are introduced, the liquidity will be owned by the Yugen Finance and the entire yield after converting to YGN will belong to Yugen Finance.

  • The YGN gained from bonds will further be used to purchase more bonds and so forth in a positive feedback loop.

5) Earn 10% of the total profits by staking YGN for xYGN. (⛩️,⛩️)

  • The Easiest and BEST way users can earn is by buying YGN and staking it for xYGN. 10% of the total revenue will be sent to the YGN staker so you can increase the amount of YGN as well.

  • Alternatively, you can lend your assets to the protocol and stake the YGN you receive in return into the protocol there by also providing to the protocol.

Last updated